If you are experiencing evacuation error 360 or dock communication issues on your Roomba 405 or 505, please visit this article, “Error 360, Roomba® 405 and 505.”
If your Roomba® is not evacuating debris into the AutoEmpty™ dock properly, please follow these instructions to resolve the issue:
When Roomba® fails to evacuate debris, the Dust Bin remains full. If not emptied, this could cause an Error 36, “Bin Full Error.” If Roomba is evacuating but still saying “Error 36, Bin Full” please visit the article for your robot model:
Solid Red or White = Bag is full, missing, or wrong Bin is installed - Continue toStep 2.
Flashing Red = A clog in the Evac Port - Jump toStep 6.
No/Not sure: Click here and follow the steps below until you see a light on the dock.
Lift the Lid of the AutoEmpty™ dock to expose the Evac Bag. Pull up on the Bag tag to partially remove the Bag. The light on the AutoEmpty™ dock should turn solid red if the dock has power.
Still no light? If you wrap the Cord around the back of the dock, ensure that you are not wrapping it too tightly, as this could pull the Cord out of the connector on the back of the AutoEmpty™ dock.
Unplug the Line Cord from the outlet and AutoEmpty™ dock, and then plug it back in firmly to both the wall outlet and the dock
Ensure the outlet has power by unplugging the AutoEmpty™ dock and plugging in a different electronic device (a lamp) to the same outlet and verify that device works. If the outlet does not have power, try a different power outlet.
If the power outlet has power, but power is not being received by only the AutoEmpty™ dock, then the dock is not receiving enough electrical current, examine the Line Cord
If there is damage to the Cord, the Cord needs to be replaced. If the Cine Cord is not damaged, then the AutoEmpty™ dock needs to be replaced.
Owners of certain robots who have purchased an AutoEmpty™ dock outside the initial purchase will need to use the Bin with the evacuation port that came with the AutoEmpty™ dock.
If your Bin has the Evac Port, continue to Step 3. If you need one, please contact iRobot Customer Care.
First, reboot your dock by unplugging the power cord for a few seconds and then plugging it back in. Then, please reboot your robot by pressing and holding its CLEAN button for 20 seconds. When you release the button, the light ring will show a white clockwise swirl while your robot reboots. The reboot procedure is complete when the light ring shuts off. This may take a couple of minutes. A reboot should help clear any errors and does not erase any data.
There are two (2) ways to evacuate debris when your robot's Bin is full. With the robot on the Dock, test one or both now!
1. For i or s series, press the HOME button on the robot when it is on the AutoEmpty™ dock For j series and Roomba Combo® 10 Max, press and hold the button for 2–5 seconds to empty the Bin For Roomba 2 Essential, you must use the app. There is no button press to get it to evac. The Essentials 2 will only auto evac after a mission that is 5 minutes or longer.
Note: For the C10 Max, a 10-second delay between docking and evacuating is an expected behavior and will happen after every mission.
2. Press the "Empty Bin" button in the App. If your robot is on the AutoEmpty™ dock, this button will appear directly under the CLEAN button in the iRobot® HOME App.
If your Roomba® is still having problems communicating with its AutoEmpty™ dock, it could be that dust is blocking the IR signal and the inside Bumper windows need to be cleaned. If your robot will evacuate manually, but the "Empty Bin" button does not appear in the App, this confirms that something is blocking the robot's IR signal to the Dock.
Note: j series does not use IR. You should still proceed with robot maintenance. This is just more likely a contact issue.
Click here for step-by-step instructions:
Wipe the Docking Sensor Window on the AutoEmpty™ dock and the robot Bumper with a clean, dry microfiber or soft cotton cloth to clear away any debris
Perform Bumper maintenance as needed. Try blowing compressed air or "canned air" in the area demonstrated in the photo below. This can clear debris and allow the robot and AutoEmpty™ dock to communicate again.
Test the robot again by moving it approximately eight (8) feet away from the AutoEmpty™ dock and pressing the HOME button. Once the robot docks onto the AutoEmpty™ dock, its bin should empty automatically and the "Empty Bin" button will appear in the App.
If this issue persists, continue to the next troubleshooting step
Note: Do not spray cleaning solution directly onto sensors or into sensor openings. Only air.
Ensure the Lid on top of the AutoEmpty™ dock is properly sealed, and the bag is properly installed. If the Lid is open, the AutoEmpty™ dock assumes the bag is not installed properly, and it will not allow the robot to evacuate
If the bag is not completely full, shake it a few times to bring the debris to the bottom of the bag
If the bag is completely full, discard the bag and replace it
Reinstall the bag into the Canister. Press down on the Lid, making sure it's firmly closed.
Note: Melamine foam such as a Magic Eraser or a clean cloth are the only materials approved to clean charging contacts.Do not use a Magic Eraser to clean anything other than charging contacts. The Sensor Windows should only be wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
You might try evacuating debris again after cleaning the contacts.
There may be a clog in the AutoEmpty™ dock itself. These steps can be especially helpful if the AutoEmpty™ dock is evacuating three times at the end of the mission instead of once. If the AutoEmpty™ dock senses it's clogged, the LED on the front of the AutoEmpty™ dock will flash red. When this happens, perform the following:
Push down the Canister Lid to ensure it's firmly sealed
Remove any debris from the debris evacuation port on the bottom of the AutoEmpty™ dock
Unplug the AutoEmpty™ dock from the wall
Tilt the charging station onto its back to expose any clogs within the clear tubing on the bottom of the dock. Remove the clear tubing by undoing the five screws and clear any stuck debris. Then reinstall the tube.
Once the clog has been removed and the Red LED is no longer blinking, place the AutoEmpty™ dock upright
Place the robot onto the AutoEmpty™ dock
Press and hold the HOME button for 2–5 seconds to activate the Vacuum Motor in the AutoEmpty™ dock and empty the Bin
If you perform this step and the robot still can't communicate with the AutoEmpty™ dock or evacuate properly, please contact us.
For expedited service, please have the following ready: • Your robot charged and with you • Your robot's Serial number • For warranty claims: Proof of purchase (receipt or invoice for purchase from an authorized retailer)
Roomba® is not evacuating debris or communicating with the Evacuation Dock